Typically Vetter

Work and Life

Several challenges, one guiding principle: making sure that our employees are as balanced as can be

How do the two go together: showing complete commitment working at a world-market leader and at the same time having sufficient time for family and personal life? We think this goes together very well. The reason for this is the framework conditions at Vetter which are tailor-made to meet our employees' needs. These include concrete health promotion actions, such as preventive medical checkups. The work-time models at Vetter vary depending on the division and activity. For example, we offer shift models in the Production department, service-work time models in Customer Service, flextime hours, contingent and weekend work models as well as different part-time models.

Be it the promotion of health or flexible working hours: We want to make it easier for you to stay balanced and accommodate professional and personal life even if you are doing shift work or if the workload increases.

Lächelnde Mitarbeiter stehen und sitzen um einen Tisch und essen Kuchen
Work and Life

Working at Vetter also means feeling comfortable. For us, this does not only mean a pleasant working environment, respectful colleagues and fair supervisors.